BORDER -- #241F19 -- The border around this container and the <hr /> divider lines are the border color for the selected color profile (base)
BUTTON TEXT -- #241F19
BUTTON BACKGROUND (Hover) -- #241F19
BUTTON TEXT (Hover) -- #18D5EE
BUTTON TEXT (Active) -- #241F19
BUTTON BACKGROUND (Inactive) -- #241F19
BUTTON TEXT (Inactive) -- #BBC2C6
ICON -- #18D5EE
ICON (Hover) -- #241F19
ICON -- #18D5EE
ICON (Hover) -- #241F19
ICON -- #18D5EE
ICON (Hover) -- #241F19
ICON -- #18D5EE
ICON (Hover) -- #241F19
Generally used for content like p text in WYSIWYG, list items, text content in content blocks
Font family: "Gotham Book", Font size: 18px, Text transform: none
Generally used for headers for components and WYSIWYG components
Font family: "Refrigerator Deluxe - Extra Bold", Font size: 24px, Text transform: uppercase
Generally used for buttons and other CTAs
Font family: "Gotham Bold", Font size: 18px, Text transform: uppercase